Monday, January 9, 2012

The Declaration

OK folks…important stuff here. I have just heard…are you ready for this? I have just heard…this very afternoon…the declaration of the century. OK…maybe not of the century. Let’s call it the declaration of a lifetime. Ok…so it’s only a two and half year old lifetime. It’s still a pretty darn big deal. “Gwampa…I went peepee in the potty!” Told you didn’t I? The declaration of a two and a half year old little boy’s lifetime. A destiny of diapers turns incredibly into a universe of undies. “Gwampa…I went peepee in the potty!” Now just imagine the possibilities. Dresser drawers overflowing with Superman undies…Spiderman big boy underpants…Cookie Monster and Buzz Lightyear…Burt on the front and Ernie bringing up the rear. “Gwampa…I went peepee in the potty!” Truly a life changing moment. Will there be setbacks? Just as in any great “movement”…of course. From now on though, the meaning of “Here we go” will never be the same again. “Gwampa…I went peepee in the potty!” OK…so it’s not “We the People…” it’s still a pretty amazing declaration.

1 comment:

  1. Noe it's just the question of briefs or boxers.
