Monday, August 17, 2009

How Long Is A Moment?

How long is a moment? Sometimes it’s all the time you need.’s all the time you get. My father could register his displeasure with just a moment. When I first met her, all it took was a moment for me to know that I wanted to know more about this woman who was to become my wife. And all it took was a moment for me to know that I really didn’t like lima beans. Sometimes a moment is all you need. But sometimes a moment is all you get. That moment...that opportunity to tell someone you love them can pass all to quickly. Lost forever. That moment...that one chance to take a road less traveled can be gone in the blink of an eye. Never to come again. Looking seems my children grew a moment. Seize your moments. Live your moments. Everyday is filled with wee pieces of time...chances...opportunities...that only come once. How long is a moment? Sometimes it’s all the time you need. Sometimes it’s all the time you get.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post! I was journaling at the close of the recent visit with friends of 40+ years and musing over the couple of days of beach, sea gulls, dancing and stories retold again from high school days. I noted how all of the memories of those hours seem compacted within a "moment". I like the comment "’s all the time you need.’s all the time you get." I'm more careful to seize those bits of time in life to say what I would want to say to a friend if that was perhaps the last opportunity to do so.
    A portion of the well known 'Serenity Prayer' reads "...enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace". All of our 'moments' will not be easy and pleasant. Some are hard and difficult, but we can hold to the knowledge that neither last forever!
