Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who Is This Guy?

Most of us have an image of ourselves. This picture in our heads of
what we think other people see when they look at us. Well...most of us are
wrong. Believe me...this conclusion is from first hand experience. See, my
image of head that of a mature, dashing, athletic, rugged
man of the world. That's me. That's even the guy I see in the bathroom mirror.
Then I was handed a photo recently taken of my oldest son and I. "Isn't this
a nice shot?", my wife said. I was stunned. Who the heck is that balding,
graying, overweight, old guy standing next to my kid? What cruel
practical joke is this? That guy can't be me. I may be thinning, but that guy is
damn near bald. I'm mature...that guy's looking old. I'm athletic...that guy in
the picture actually has jowls. Hey, only old, English character actors have jowls.
Alright...jokes over. Who is this guy and what have you done with my kid's Dad?

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