Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Wish...A Promise

The other day I was watching my three year old grandson Brady while Mom and little brother Brennan went to the store. After mandatory baseball, I’m Verlander and he’s Prince Fielder, we were taking a break on the front porch. After sitting there for a few minutes the little Prince got up and announced, “I’ll be right back Gwampa”. As he turned to head into the house he hesitated for a second, put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Don’t let anything happen to you OK”. “OK Brady”, I said. “I’ll do my best, but come back soon. I need you”. “Don’t let anything happen to you OK”. That was his wish for me. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” That is my promise to him. It should be a promise made from all of us to him. It should be a promise made from all of us to all our children. I know it’s a promise we can only hope to keep, but we can do our best to…hope to keep it. Imagine what Spaceship Earth might be like if we all made that promise to each other. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” I know…we’ll never know. There is one thing I do know though. A little Prince has my back. “I’ll be right back Gwampa…Don’t let anything happen to you OK."

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